Google+ Sidhe banshee: Build-a-Bear

Sunday, 1 July 2012


On the second day in Leeds (i start from day 2 'cause on day 1 we took airplane and landed at 8pm) my friends took us to their biggest commercial centre "White Rose".
White rose is Yorkshire's symbol.
There, as in almost all commercial centres, you can find Build-a-Bear shop.
It is just lovely, kids can't resist it, you can build your own bear to be your best friend forever.

You can chose your bear type and color, it comes empty and then they fill it, you can also chose it to be softer or harder filling. Then you take a little hearth and you rub it on your arms and belly and front so it get permeate of you.
At this point you put the little heart into the bear and fill it with their help.

Before or after filling it you go chose how to dress your new friend, there is a large choice, you can even dress as a jedi, darth vader, fireman.

There are shoes, boots, skates, hats, bags, and many other things!
At this point you get a code and go sit at the pc station to chose a name for your bear and start it's own story

Then they pack it for you.
This is my Bunny, i called it Leeds and is female.

And this is me and her happy together <3


  1. oddio ma questa cosa è meravigliosa!! Ti invidio tantissimo ^.^

  2. Adoro build a bear!!! Il mio fidanzato mi ha regalato un orsetto karateka!

    1. Il mio ragazzo mi ha regalato la maglietta e le mutande (ahahaha sisi sono di raso!) un giorno le comprerò anche una gonna e gli stivali quelli di gomma per la pioggia....tenerissimi
