Google+ Sidhe banshee: Liz Lisa happy Bag 2013

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Liz Lisa happy Bag 2013

On my trip to Japan I've been so lucky to find sales.

To the Liz Lisa shops i visited there were two type of happy bag available.
A cheper one, around 5000 yen and one more expensive around 7000 or 8000 yen.
I chose the cheaper one.
The bag is made of plastic, but is super cute and big!

Inside there were 3 items:

  • A pretty top with light azure background and a flowers pattern, with a ribbon tied up on the front

  • A sweet shorts, that looks like a skirt but is actually a short, in pastel blue and lace.

  • An adorable dress of cotton, good for the autumn, with long sleeves, and flowers pattern

Oh my! I can't wait to have a chance to wear this dress!


  1. "Happy Bag" is such a cute name! Is it just like a Lucky Bag or did they show the contents first?

    I love the top! Actually all the items are so cute :P Love Liz Lisa!

    1. It is the same as lucky one. Couldn't see the item inside, they just told me the size. Liz Lisa is very pretty, i love it too (*^v^*)

  2. Ah! You got such cute things! I love the top you got too!~ It's really cute looking~

    1. The top is my favorite too, perfect for everyday use!

  3. l'abitino è bellissimo! Le cosine Liz Lisa piacciono moltissimo anche a me... tra l'altro ho proprio comprato due cosine usate proprio questo mese (le ho pubblicate sul blog ^^)

    1. Si le ho viste! Carinissime :D
      Hai ricevuto i miei auguri su Twitter? Com'è con la pioggia li?

    2. ricevuti ^^ e ti ringrazio qui hihi

      a Pechino niente piogge torrenziali... giusto frequenti temporali ma non preoccupanti. ti ho appena scritto una piccola email.. ci sentiamo presto :*
