Google+ Sidhe banshee: A dress is not enough

Tuesday 1 May 2012

A dress is not enough

In Italy we use to say "l'abito non fa il monaco" literally it means the dress won't make you a monk(priest).
What i mean is, to wear a cute dress won't make you cute, if you don't take care of your self on every side.
I could start talking about fat, but i don't want to take fat as something that make you ugly no matter what.
But we also have to consider the health part of it.
Fat is not healthy, most of the time you are hurting your self eating unhealthy, not doing any exercise and so on.
So the focal point is taking good care of yourself.
I've see, anyway, many girl not skinny, but hot, cute and well dressed.

Another important point is the hair.
It doesn't matter what color your hair are, but if you have a regrow then dye them again, clean them, brush em, don't let them wild like you were a stone age woman.

The skin.
I don't think that putting everyday a strong make-up is good for your skin.
It's another thing that must be clean.
Wash your face with a proper soap good for your skin, do the scrub, and weekly a beauty mask to clean pores and also a mud musk.
If you still have ton of spots then probably it may be something you eating, of course you know chocolate is bad for skin, and also salami and fried food.
Yeah, oh my god, everything is bad! Can't eat anything good!
NO! You don't have to give up on everything, but there is a difference between eating them sometimes and gorge yourself everyday every moment.
Healthy food is also good for hair.
About make-up, I use make-uo when i go out with friends, but i don't use any make-up, but eyeline, when i go to job, so i let my skin to breath.
And if you think to take a pic then yes, put on make-up it helps.

And Least but not last, never smell bad! WTF take a shower, is so hard?!

To summint all of this:
Eat healty, do exercise, and be clean.



  1. concordo pienamente con te, anche se dal punto di vista dell'esercizio fisico sono piuttosto pigra ^^
    approfitto di questo spazietto per scriverti il film dello studio ghibli che ti avevo consigliato:
    "I sospiri del mio cuore". Che ha anche questo spin-off molto carino: "Neko no Ongaeshi - Il ritorno del Gatto"

    1. Eh come ti capisco, in verità anche io sono una pigra, ci vuole molta forza di volontà, ormai ho fatto l'abbonamento in palestra di un anno e non posso arrendermi :) Ci vuole impegno per tutto, lasciarsi andare è troppo facile (tipo lunedì mattina in ufficio che il capo ci ha portato un sacchetto pieno di brioches >.<).

      Mi metto subito a cercare i film, grazie mille! <3
      Ci vediamo presto vero? ;)

  2. certo che ci vediamo! ^.^ voglio assolutamente partecipare a un tea party! purtroppo fino al 21 di maggio sono piuttosto incasinata perchè procedendo per ordine devo: lavorare, fare la scrutatrice, andare ad una fiera per lavoro e (finalmente qualcosa di piacevole!) andare a trovare mio fratello in Inghilterra... spero cmq di trovare un attimino libero o se no di organizzare qualcosa per la fine di maggio... ps io sn spesso su skype verso vuoi fare due chiacchiere ^.^
